Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Christopher has Aichmophobia--a fear of needles. Last Thursday he had an appointment with his Allergist, Dr. Grodofsky. Dr. G was talking to him about his heavy breathing and constantly stuffy nose. He told Christopher he could help him get rid of it so nobody would have to pick his nose again! Christopher was really happy about that! Dr. G gave Christopher two choices.
Choice #1 was Weekly Allergy Shots.
Choice #2 was Daily Nasal Spray.
Instantly, I knew what I would have chosen---Choice #1--Weekly Allergy Shots! I'm not a big fan of needles either, but I really hate shooting spray up my nose! UGH! He was very adamant on his decision--Choice #2 Daily Nasal Spray! I kept telling him he wasn't going to like it and he said he wasn't getting any shots! UGH! The doctor was very good and basically told him that Mothers are always right! Later that evening we came home and it was time for his first Daily Nasal Spray! He was not a happy camper. Shaun and I gave it to him together. He held him down and I was the lucky one to administer the medicine. He's a very, very stong young man! UGH! We reminded him that if he wouldn't tolerate the Daily Nasal Spray, we'd have to resort to the Weekly Allergy Shots. Luckily, everyday since then has been rather easy to get him to take the Daily Nasal Spray. Thank goodness, but all that to get out of one lousy Allergy Shot a week...personally I would have just done the weekly allergy shots---nasal spray UGH!!

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