Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm a bad, bad blogger...

and I'm sorry... I thought once the holidays went by that I would have so much time to blog daily or at least once a week. I was mistaken. We are always on the go...seriously, I'm NEVER home. I'll have to reevaluate my occupation, Stay-At-Home Mom, doesn't seem to be what I am.... :)

I'm sorry it's been almost a month since I've posted last. As I said above--I'm a bad, bad blogger... I guess it's been a little busy around here.
We've been running around with Christopher to his daily swim practice and swim meets. He's having alot of fun, and improving his times in at least 2 of his events every time! Way to go Christopher!!!! We've also been preparing for our 2nd Annual Cub Scout Pinewood Derby. In preparation, the Cub Scouts had a movie night, where they watched Down & Derby. (A movie showing how competative the Pinewood Derby can be between Dads!) They also have their annual NASCAR Night! What is Nascar Night!? The dens have been busy creating Cars out of cardboard boxes, then on Nascar Night they show off their car and race it around the School Gymnasium. It's a fun evening for the kids and even better to watch! Thanks Meme & Pepe for coming to watch! Fun, fun, fun!
We also attended my cousin Malley's wedding celebration on January 22nd and had a great time visiting with Grandma Fox, Aunts, Uncles and cousins! What a beautiful wedding!!!!
Also that weekend, January 24th we piled in the van and headed to New Hampshire for Grande Memere's Birthday. It was another fun cousin day! It was fun visiting with grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousins again! :)

Alex, Anneli, Grande Memere, Lizzie, Bryce & Christopher!!

Bryce and Christopher creating with LEGOS.

Lizzie cooking me a yummy play-doh dinner.

Alex and Anneli eating yummy blueberries.

In between all of these fun events, Christopher hasn't been feeling too good. He spikes fevers here and there and is just not feeling well. We've taken him to the doctor and we are awaiting test results. Hopefully he feels better soon!

Phew!!--We seem to be caught up, for now. I will try to be a better blogger this month...maybe posting at least once a week. Sounds like an attainable goal...right?!? Stay tuned....


The Fishers said...

Wow you guys were busy! Looks like you guys have been having fun :)

Lady Di said...

wow crystal...your hair is getting so long!! Looks like some fun times. Hope you find out what is wrong with Christopher and that he feels better!