Sunday, August 1, 2010

Adventures in Root

On Tuesday, July 27th, along with Aunt Val, the kids and I piled into the van for a long road trip. Our first stop was Brookfield, Massachusetts--where I grew up--to pick up my cousin Laurie and her handsome baby boy Jeremy. Then it was off to Root (or Canajoharie, NY) to visit with Aunt Donna, Uncle Jim, Soup Mem & Ray for a few days!
Christopher, Anneli with my cousin Laurie's little boy Jeremy.

Aunt Donna & Uncle Jim's puppy, and Anneli's shadow, 'Rosie'.
We got there Tuesday evening and had fun with Aunt Donna & Uncle Jim. We ate dinner, swam, and of course Christopher played Wii--since we don't have one at home! Then it was time for bed! I think everyone slept good at the 'tree house'!
The next day, we woke up early, took a little ride around Canajoharie, NY. We were trying to find somewhere to pick Blueberries, but we had no luck! Oh well, we came back and waited for Soup Mem & Ray to arrive. It was a great day! We visited with everyone and had a ton of fun!
Soup Mem with Christopher, Anneli, Jeremy and Lola her puppy.

Anneli with Lola and Christopher with Rosie.

Anneli with her little friends.

What a cute puppy!!
Val & Anneli enjoying some watermelon! Yummmmmm

Jeremy hanging out under the deck. He wasn't a bit fan of the pool or the heat!

Soup Mem & I (Crystal) eating watermelon!
Anneli picked some pretty flowers.
We always love to visit Aunt Donna & Uncle Jim, but the kids were super excited because they had just had a pool installed the week before we came to visit! The kids, young and old, had great time keeping cool in the pool! We love your new pool!! :)
Hanging out at Aunt Donna & Uncle Jim's new pool! I love the new deck!!

Anneli & Val with silly swim hair!

Even Rosie the dog joined Anneli for a swim!! :)
Anneli and Val had fun walking around Aunt Donna & Uncle Jim's property searching for raspberries. They didn't bring any back to the cabin, but they found and ate some yummmmy raspberries! :) Anneli's shadow, Rosie, also went picking!
Christopher won a bow & arrow last year for selling Trail's End Popcorn. He's had it for awhile, but he never shot it. So he was pretty excited about bringing his bow & arrow with him to shoot at Aunt Donna & Uncle Jim's house. He and Uncle Jim made a great target and he spend a lot of time shooting and swimming, shooting and swimming! He did a great job and was real excited to tell Dad and Pepe! Way to go Christopher! He'll have to practice shooting at Meme & Pepe's house, since our yard is a little small...
While the kids were swimming I found this....
Have a you ever seen a 'horsefly' this BIG!? I'm glad he was dead!
I'm glad we had a chance to head up to NY and spend a whole day with everyone! We miss you guys!! Thanks for having us Aunt Donna & Uncle Jim! Sorry to invade you on your vacation!! :) We hope to see you all again soon!!!

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