Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tie Dye Fun for Everyone!

Anneli went to day camp at a local park in town this summer, but I didn't send her for the last session, I decided to keep them busy myself at home! We started out the FUN on Monday, August 2nd by Tie Dying T-shirts! It was a beautiful day so we set up our craft outside and went to work! It was fun and their t-shirts came out awesome!!

After scrubbing our hands---((actually mine, I made the kids wear gloves, but I didn't! They were color free, but my hands were a bit colorful!))--we had "Water Wars" in our front yard. I filled a bucket of water balloons and the kids headed outside in their bathing suits. They threw water balloons and danced under the sprinkler! It was a great way to keep busy and cool!! :)

What a fun day together! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll show her a better time as long as that swimsuit comes off! she will be screaming with pleasure after I'm finished with that