Saturday, May 17, 2008

Where have I been, you ask?

As you could probably tell, by my lack of posts, we've been super busy this week! My sister Jessica and her two boys Cole and Carter are visiting from South Carolina. They flew in on Wednesday so they could be here for Sunday when our little sister Valerie graduates from Boston University! Nick, her husband flew in yesterday--heck that's a post in itself!

Anyway, this is what we have been up to.

We have been enjoying each others company!!
The kids have slept all together at Memere and Pepere's house on Wednesday and Thursday nights! They always have so much fun together--what great memories!! Thanks Memere & Pepere!

Watching ET with Grandma Mansfield.

Anneli and I visited Preschool!

On Thursday afternoon Anneli and I went to her preschool to fill out the paperwork and get her all set for fall! Surprisingly, she wouldn't even talk to anyone there! They are going to be totally surprised when she goes in the fall and they can't shut her up! They said they would help her to open up and use her words. I said she has no problem with that and I'm not sure they truly believed me that she can talk a blue streak! She wasn't too sure of the school, I think she was just afraid that I was going to leave her there. We played with a little zoo toy for a little while after we were done and she can't wait to go back! We'll see how that goes! The countdown for Fall begins! :)

Aunt Jessie gave Anneli her first haircut on Thursday evening!

Anneli did a super job as Aunt Jess evened out the length and gave her bangs! She sat all grown up as she ate her favorite, an orange Dora Popsicle. Aunt Val sang "I'm a Little Teapot" to try to make her happy too! Great job Aunt Val--we were all glad to see you! She took the bus from Boston on Thursday to visit with Jess and her kids---Anneli, Christopher and I were excited to see her too! :) After her haircut Anneli took a bath and was crying terribly. We couldn't quite understand her, but then we finally figured it out! She was concerned that she "lost her blonde hair!" Someone said she was going to look like the Little Mermaid---well Ariel has red hair and Ana was concerned that she was going to have red hair and not blonde! Luckily all we had to do was show her that her hair was still blonde and she calmed right down. What a cutie! Thanks Aunt Jess for the super great haircut! Our Little Anneli looks sooooo grown up with bangs! Thanks!
Christopher got a haircut from Aunt Jess too!

Sorry, Christopher---no mohawk today! He thought for sure Aunt Jess would give him one! Yeah right!

Anneli had her 3 Year Old Check Up!

Friday morning, Anneli and I went off to see Dr. Simon for her 3 year old check-up. She wasn't too happy about that. She remembered her flu shot and of course she didn't want to go back there! Christopher never minded going to see Dr. Simon, he really likes her and her "fire truck well exam room" for well visits.

Anneli on the other hand was like, "Mommy, I don't have an appointment with Doctor Simon." She was pretty certain about that one! Once she got there she was pretty excited that Dr. Simon's chair matched her 101 dalmation puppy Mason. She got talking about that and it was a pretty good visit! Guess what? She HAS Grown!!! She gained 6 pounds and 4.5 inches since the last time we were there!!! She now weighs 28.1lbs! That's awesome for our little Anneli! She still has a problem with her GERD, she as to have a few more tests, but she is growing!

We had another Birthday Party for Anneli !
Look how grown up our baby looks!?!??!

We had to light the candles twice so Carter could blow them out too!

The big boys, Christopher & Cole, had a camp out in our dinning room!

Christopher & Anneli will sleep in their own beds tonight, while Cole & Carter sleep at their Grandma & Grandpa Mansfield's house. Then early tomorrow morning (5am) Jess, Nick, Christopher, Anneli, Shaun, and I will head to Boston for Valerie's College Graduation! Then maybe, just maybe, we can rest on Monday! :)

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