Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Election Day at The Maritime Aquarium

Chris & Anneli and an Otter watching each other.
Ahhh...what a good brother helping his sister get a good look in the tank.

Looking at the big fish.
Christopher's favorite---the Loggerhead.
Aren't I cute???
Anneli being brave touching the Sea Star.
Anneli touched it so Christopher did too. He wouldn't touch anything else though.

Christopher was home from Kindergarten today because it was Election Day and they use his school as a voting place. I wanted to do something special with him and Anneli so we ended up taking a ride to The Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, CT. The trek there was a little over an hour, Anneli fell asleep and Christopher kept asking, "Are we there yet? Why is it sooo far away?" It was a fun day for the three of us. Christopher's favorite thing he saw was the Loggerhead or better known as the Giant Sea Turtle. He couldn't believe you can find them around here in the Long Island Sound. Anneli really enjoyed the turtle too but she was talking about the frog exhibit and the Sharks on the ride home!

Ahhh...why can't they always be so cute... (Check out her princess shoes she had to wear!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like a fun day!
Cole & Carter