Monday, January 7, 2008

Chocolate, a girls best friend!

I have heard the above quote many, many times. I have also heard first hand from ladies at church that Chocolate is definately one of the food groups. Honestly, I have never really been able to relate 100%--I'm not a big chocolate junky. Okay, maybe around "that time of month" I like to have a little taste...but I'm not going to die without it. However, I think my Anneli might agree with them...

Today, Anneli was getting hungry and she said she had to go to the Doctor as she showed me her belly. She tends to say that when her belly is growling due to hunger. Anyways, I was snacking on Fudge--yes Homemade Chocolate Fudge that Val made while we were in South Carolina. YUMMMY! Well, Anneli came over and I gave her a small piece. She finished that piece and said, "Oh Mommy I feel soooooo much better! I don't have to go to the doctor! I'm all better!" and she ate another piece! I better watch out for her!!!

1 comment:

Rae said...

Ana is a smart girl! I can't think of anyone who doesn't love homemade fudge. I made 4 pounds for Christmas and ended up sending most of it to work with Dave after vacation so I wouldn't eat the leftovers! I have NO willpower when it comes to certain things!!!