Friday, January 25, 2008

I don't want to turn into a Fish...

Christopher went off to school this afternoon and Anneli was resting quietly on the couch--or so I thought--as I was on the computer in the office finishing up a Newsletter for our women's organization at church. I went in the living room to check on her because I thought maybe she fell asleep. She came running over to me and said, "Mommy, I don't want to turn into a fish. I'm a people." I thought that was funny and told her that she didn't have to worry that she wasn't going to turn into a fish, that indeed she was a person. Well she insisted that she was going to turn into a fish because she ate some of Speedy's(our pet goldfish) fish food. Sure enough there was fish food everywhere and some traces of flakes on her face! IKKKK---I HATE the smell of the fish food!! Hopefully she doesn't turn into a fish---uh oh--I see Fish Lips!! :)


Rae said...

I can't believe Anneli ATE the fish food!!! Kids do the most amazing things. I hold my breath every time I have to feed any fishies. I can't stand the smell of their food. You'll have to keep us posted if she starts turning into a fish...or maybe a mermaid! :O)

Lady Di said...

EEWWW!! The smell alone is enough to make me vomit, can't imagine the taste. Kids get into the weirdest things.