Monday, February 25, 2008


Saturday evening, we attended a Contra-Dance Social at our church. It was a ton of fun for the whole family! We were not sure we wanted to go, but we were glad we did! It was fun learning a new type of dance and socializing with our ward friends. Even the kids had a blast dancing with each other and their friends.

What exactly is a Contra-Dance you ask? Click here for a full definition. Basically Contra Dancing is a form of American Folk Dancing. A caller calls the dances sometimes in two parellel lines or circles--he tells you what to do and you follow! It's great for individuals, partners and a great activitiy for families! If you have never been Contra Dancing you should check it out! We would definately go to a Contra Dance again!!

**We didn't take many pictures because we were dancing of course!! :)

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