Friday, October 22, 2010

Our Two Little Fish!

Anneli is very brave this fall and has joined Swim Team with Christopher! YIPPEEE!! That means I don't have to entertain her during the many practices and LONG swim meets, like I did last year with my many bags of tricks and quiet toys! YIPPEE!!! I can watch the practices/meets, read a book, visit with friends, or play with my phone! :)

Today was a practice swim meet where the kids just practice like it's a swim meet. It was fun to watch all the new kids, like Anneli, jumping off the block and swimming their little hearts out.

We are very proud of our 'Two Little Fish'. They are doing a super great job! Way to go Christopher & Anneli!

Christopher getting ready for his heatstopping to pose before getting on the block,
Anneli at the Practice Swim Meet!!!
Sitting quietly waiting for her turn. She's sitting with her good friend Syd. Look how little she is--her little feet don't even touch the ground!!

She's a little nervous as she approaches the block---or the edge of the deep end of the pool!

No fear---there she 'dives' right in!!

She's swimming her little heart out as everyone cheers her on from the bleachers and side of the pool!!
Time for backstroke. She takes a minute to look at the crowd and then says loud enough for everone to hear 'Hi Nick--am I doing it right?" Nick is one of her coaches and also calls the heats. Everyone laughs and thinks she's so cute! The kids know Nick very well since he has taught their swimming lessons since they were 6 months old!! That's probably why she's not afraid to swim with all the big kids!

Way to go guys! Keep up the great work!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet she's allllll wet! :P