Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Drama

Christopher and his Pumpkin.

On Saturday morning during our rush to swimming and soccer, Shaun asked me where Christopher's pumpkin was. I told him the small one went to school and the big one was sitting on our front steps with Anneli's big pumpkin. He told me it was GONE! Someone took poor Christopher's big pumpkin! How could someone steal a pumpkin off someone's steps!? Mean Pumpkin Thief! We checked the road to see if someone smashed it--isn't that what usually happens? No sign of pumpkin guts anywhere! I even called my parents to see if they were playing a trick on us. Nope. Someone stole our pumpkin! Crazy world we live in. I was very proud of Christopher, he handled the situation very maturely. But I was upset, it took Christopher FOREVER to pick out his perfect pumpkin and I'm going to have to go to another place and have him choose another! UGH! We plan on carving our pumpkins tonight, so we will be heading on another pumpkin advenure--fun, fun, fun!

Here is a note Christopher wrote to whoever stole his big pumpkin.

Dear pumkin thef,
ples pumkin thef bring back my
big pumkin. did you know you are steeling from a kid. I did not carve it yet. I
wanted to carv my pumkin with my dad. BRING MY PUMKIN BACK NOW!

1 comment:

The Mansfields said...

Chris That stinks! Those stinkin Pumpkin snatchers! I guess they did not know who they were messing with!Well I hope that you have found a big perfect Pumpkin.
Have fun carving the pumpkins. we Love you.
Aunt Jess, Uncle Nick, Cole & carter